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Subscription Paid Plans
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Choose your pricing plan
Marinara w/Basil 24
6,49US$Každý měsícPerfect for those who want to have ready home cooked sauce- 24 oz jar of Aunt Diana's infusion style pasta sauce
- Receive monthly order of Marinara with Basil
- 13.5% off retail pricing
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
Marinara w/Basil 32
6,79US$Každý měsícPerfect for those who want to have ready home cooked sauce- 32 oz jar of Aunt Diana's Infusion style pasta sauce
- Receive monthly order of Marinara with Basil
- 15% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at Discount cost
*Marinara w/Basil 24
71,88US$Perfect for those that have a full stock of homemade sauce- 24 oz jar of Aunt Diana's Infusion style pasta sauce
- Receive 12 unit carton of Marinara with Basil
- 20% off retail pricing
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
- Priority Access to personal recipes of Aunt Diana
- Unlimited email chats with questions on "Food Stuff"
- Access to members page only
- One Time Purchase- Plan Auto cancels after checkout
*Marinara w/Basil 32
75,49US$Perfect for those that have full stock of homemade Sauce- One Time Purchase- Plan auto cancels after check out
- 32 oz jar of Aunt Diana's Infusion Style pasta sauce
- Receive 12 unit carton of Marinara with Basil
- 26% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at discounted cost
- Priority Access to personal recipes of Aunt Diana
- Unlimited email chats with questions on " Food Stuff"
- Access to members page only
Filetto Di Pomo 24
6,49US$Každý měsícPerfect for those that want to have ready home cooked sauce- 24 oz Jar of Aunt Diana's Infusion Style pasta sauce
- Receive monthly order of Marinara with Basil
- 13.5% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
Filetto Di Pomo 32
6,79US$Každý měsícPerfect for those that want to have ready homemade sauce- 32 oz of Aunt Diana's Infusion style pasta sauce
- Receive monthly order of Filetto Di Pomodoro
- 15% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
*Filetto Di Pomo 24
71,88US$Perfect for those that have a full stock of homemade sauce- One Time Purchase- Plan Auto cancels after checkout
- 24 oz of Aunt Diana's Infusion Style pasta sauce
- Receive 12 unit carton of Filetto Di Pomodoro
- 20% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
- Priority Access to personal recipes of Aunt Diana
- Unlimited email chats with questions on " Food Stuff"
- Access to Members page only
*Filetto Di Pomo 32
75,49US$Perfect for those that have a full stock of homemade sauce- One Time Purchase- Plan Auto cancels after checkout
- 32 oz of Aunt Diana's Infusion style pasta sauce
- Receive 12 unit carton of Filetto Di Pomodoro
- 26% off retail price
- Priority Shipping at discount cost
- Priority Access to personal recipes of Aunt Diana
- Unlimited email chats with questions on "Food Stuff"
- Access to members page only
- Best Value
*Any 32 oz Pasta
143,76US$Perfect for all Occasions- One Time Purchase- Plan Auto cancels after checkout
- 32 oz of Marinara with Basil or Filetto Di Pomodoro
- Receive 24 units carton of any 32 oz pasta sauce
- Can received mix carton of 12 and 12
- Exclusive tasting club of any new product development
- 29% off retail price
- Priority shipping at discount rate
- Priority Access to personal recipes of Aunt Diana
- Unlimited email chats with questions on "Food Stuff"
- Access to Member Account Only
Chose best plan that fits your needs and budget
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5) Once signed in- scroll to Address and update
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